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Updated: 01/25/2024
6115950019Knitted or crocheted socks and other hosiery of cotton
CIQ Code »999:Clothing accessories (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Weaving methods (knitting, crocheting);3:Category(socks, etc.);4:Content;5:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);6:Article No.;7:GTIN;8:CAS;9:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitpair/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)90MFN (Most-favored Nation)6
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports25Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

6115960000Knitted or crocheted socks and other hosiery of synthetic fibres
CIQ Code »999:Clothing accessories (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Weaving methods (knitting, crocheting);3:Category(socks, etc.);4:Content;5:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);6:Article No.;7:GTIN;8:CAS;9:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitpair/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)130MFN (Most-favored Nation)6
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

6115990000Knitted or crocheted socks or other hosiery of other textile materials
CIQ Code »999:Clothing accessories (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Weaving methods (knitting, crocheting);3:Category(socks, etc.);4:Content;5:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);6:Article No.;7:GTIN;8:CAS;9:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitpair/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)130MFN (Most-favored Nation)6
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

6217101000Stocking, socks and socketes,not knitted or crocheted
CIQ Code »999:Clothing accessories (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Content;3:Weaving method (mechanical weaving, etc.);4:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);5:Article No.;6:GTIN;7:CAS;8:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitkilogram/pairGen (General Tariff Rate)130MFN (Most-favored Nation)6
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

6111200010Knitted or crocheted babies’ hosiery, of cotton
CIQ Code »999:Infant and toddler clothing
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Weaving methods (knitting, crocheting);3:Category (outerwear, raincoat, etc.);4:Type (infant's);5:Content;6:Size (clothes length and trouser length);7:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);8:Article No.;9:GTIN;10:CAS;11:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)90MFN (Most-favored Nation)10
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports25Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsAInspection & QuarantineM/Consumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

6115300000Knitted or crocheted women’s full-length or knee-length hosiery of other textile materials measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex
CIQ Code »999:Clothing accessories (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Weaving methods (knitting, crocheting);3:Category(stockings, socks);4:Type (women's);5:Content;6:Monofilament fineness;7:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);8:Article No.;9:GTIN;10:CAS;11:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitpair/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)130MFN (Most-favored Nation)6
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

3926909090Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading no.39.01 to 39.14
CIQ Code »301:Acupoint magnetic therapy equipment (illegal detection) 302:Scraping tools (illegal inspection) 303:Cupping utensils (illegal inspection) 990:Other plastic products
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:Material (plastic variety);4:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);5:Model;6:GTIN;7:CAS;8:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)80MFN (Most-favored Nation)10
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC CertificateViewIn-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

1905310000Sweet biscuits
CIQ Code »101:Cookies 102:Cereal supplements for infants
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Content;3:Packing specification;4:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);5:GTIN;6:CAS;7:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
UnitkilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)80MFN (Most-favored Nation)10
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsAB Inspection & QuarantineR/SConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

0602909920Cactus (including ball cactus, column cactus, finger cactus)
CIQ Code »999:Cactus
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Diameter, height (the height of the whole plant, from the roots to the top branch);3:GTIN;4:CAS;5:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitpiece/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)80MFN (Most-favored Nation)10
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):9Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports27.5Export Tax Rebate9
Regulations & RestrictionsABFEInspection & QuarantineP/QConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

6115940000Knitted or crocheted socks and other hosiery of cotton
CIQ Code »999:Clothing accessories (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Weaving methods (knitting, crocheting);3:Category(socks, etc.);4:Content;5:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);6:Article No.;7:GTIN;8:CAS;9:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitpair/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)130MFN (Most-favored Nation)6
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

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